For anybody who is still having the issue of the simulator not opening you need to open up terminal and type sudo chmode +x ( and that should do it.Ĭhmod +x '/Applications/' For Mac's having trouble installing FPV Freerider try going to the Mac's System Preferences>Security and Privacy> General Tab and check the box 'Anywhere' to see if this allows your Mac to install FPV Freerider.Ĥ. You'll be given an option to open the program, and from then on it won't bug you.ģ. To run a program that says 'this can't be opened', right-click the icon and choose 'Open'. MacOS is picky about which programs can be run (the first time) by double-clicking. (I have also heard that it works if you download the zip using Chrome on MacOS and extract with Keka)Ģ. If you unzip the file on a Windows machine and transfer the file to your Mac with a USB stick it should work. You can try one of the following solutions:ġ.
It is a known issue with recent versions of MacOS. It is very picky which applications can be run.